Friends of the Library

Who are the Friends of the Janet Carlson Calvert Library?

friends library logo green with a ladybugThe “Friends” are people like you who love The Janet Carlson Calvert Library.
We believe that there are many things that our wonderful library has to offer, and that there is much more that can be offered to the library’s patrons and the people of Franklin.

Our goal is to promote the resources, services and needs of the library.  The Friends of the Library support the library with their help at JCC Library programs and by raising funds that pay for FREE library programs, MUSEUM PASSES, computers and more!  By supporting the Friends of the Library you support the Library!

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Library.

If you are interested in joining the Friends come to a meeting or call the Library at 860-642-6207 for more information.


Friends of the Library Officers:

President: Margaret Sise

Vice President: Chris Friese

Secretary: Melissa Lavoie

Treasurer: Edna Gimbert